Our Programs

Something for everyone!

For Young Adults (20+)

In this Mandy Money life series is (pretty much) every single thing you need to know about your money as a young adult.  We promise a confidence glow up by the time you're done with this series. 

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For Employers

Our Essentials Series is purpose built with both employer and employee in mind. Our resources empower your youth staff, while simultaneously easing the education burden on your HR team.

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For High School Students

Wanting to get a head-start in the big world of money, and earn some resume boosters while you're at it? We've got three micro-credentials for you, covering everything you need to know before leaving school!

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For Everyone!

Our new Essential E-Book Series are industry-specific money guides. 70+ illustrated pages, covering all the personal finance basics you need, with the industry specifics you want. Headache free guarantee!

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For Everyone!

Our new Essential E-Book Series are industry-specific money guides. 70+ illustrated pages, covering all the personal finance basics you need, with the industry specifics you want. Headache free guarantee!

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And Introducing our new...

For 14-24 Year Old Aussies

The Mandy Money Book is officially out in the world and available for pre-order!

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